- Earnest Money should be deposited along with tender documents in the form of treasury Challan/Deposit at Call receipt of a schedule Bank/fixed Deposit of a schedule Bank/Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank issued in favour of Executive Engineer, UD&PA Department, Mizoram.
- Tender form can be obtained from the Technical Branch, UD&PA Department, MINECO, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram on payment of Rs. 1,500/- during Office working hours from 4th November, 2022.
- Last date of submission of tender documents is 1:00 PM on 21st November,2022 and shall be opened on the same day at 1:30 PM.
Page Links: https://udpa.mizoram.gov.in/post/notice-inviting-tender-construction-of-shelter-unit-for-attendants-of-patients-at-civil-hospital-serchhipp
NOTICE INVITING TENDER: Construction of Shelter Unit for Attendants of Patients at Civil Hospital, Serchhip.
Department Updates
- List of rejected applicants for the post of Inspector of Sanitation
- List of rejected applicants for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- State Level Sensitization Workshop on PMAY(Urban) 2.0 buatsaih a ni.
- Notice inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultancy services for Preparation of DPR, Monitoring and Supervision of various Projects under Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department, Mizoram.
- Notice: Cancellation of the recruitment process for City Mission Manager, Community Organizer and Multi-tasking Staff under the DAY-NULM Mission
Government of Mizoram Latest News