The Executive Engineer, UD&PA, Mizoram, on behalf of the Governor of Mizoram, invites sealed item rate tenders on one envelope system from eligible class of Contractor/Government empaneled firms for the works under AMRUT 2.0.

Earnest money should be deposited along with the tender documents in the form of receipt Treasury Challan/Deposit at call receipt of a Scheduled Bank/fixed Deposit of a Scheduled Bank/demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank issued in favour of Executive Engineer, UD&PA Department, Mizoram.

The tender form and other details can be obtained from the Department’s website and Technical Branch, UD&PA Department , MINECO, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram on payment of Rs. 500/- during office working hours from 19.09.2024 and last date for sale of tender document is upto 4:00 PM on 14.10.2024.

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